Best TOTO toilet reviews
How to select the Best Model TOTO has always been a name you can trust in the world of toilets. These TOTO bathroom reviews that you will...

Amazing Toilet In the Market
KOHLER K-3817-0 Memoirs Stately Comfort Height Two Pieces Elongated 1,28 GPF Toilet 86 Going back slightly, we come to Kohler's Memoirs...

Best toilet brush Review
LYSOL BOWL BRUSH RIM EXTENSION AND CADDY The brush edge extension Lysol Bowl and Caddy stands out among all the sets of brushes for its...

Best Toilet Bowl Cleaner Reviews
Scrubbing Bubbles Cleaning gel for the bathroom It is not surprising that this toilet cleaning gel has been chosen again and again for...

Best Portable toilet
Camco 4154 portable toilet The other two portable toilets are generally designed for infrequent use, since campers and hikers are often...

The best low flow toilet
As water becomes an increasingly scarce resource, low-flow toilets are becoming increasingly popular, and are required in California,...

Two Piece Kholer Toilet
KOHLER K-3987-0 Wellworth - Two-piece, round, front and double toilet Approaching the end of the list is another offer of two pieces at a...

The best portable and camping toilet
Portable toilets are often referred to as "camping toilets," but they are not limited to camping trips. Portable toilets are used...

The best Bidet toilet seats
Possessing a bidet used to be related to being rich and coming from a privileged family, but over the years, many cultures that did not...

How to Snake a Toilet
From time to time your toilet may become clogged and no matter how much you use a plunger you cannot get the toilet unclogged. The next...